
Estarli e-cargo in ‘Bargain Buys of the year 2024/25’

In their words, “the Estarli e-cargo Longtail is an incredible amount of bike for the money. A whopping motor, sizeable battery, belt drive, stepless hub gears and a vast cargo capacity for this kind of...
Have your e-cargo questions answered by current riders

Have your e-cargo questions answered by current riders

Current Estarli e-cargo riders from all over the UK share their thoughts on some of the key questions you might be pondering while researching electric cargo bikes.
Midlands e-cargo Supermom

Midlands e-cargo Supermom

After not cycling for 30 years, Lisa now rides her 8 & 10 years olds on her Estarli E-cargo: “I can’t remember life without the cargo bike.”
Probably the most fun I had on a bike in 2023

Probably the most fun I had on a bike in 2023

"I had a lot of fun on this bike. The value is undeniable too, which personally speaking brings me into the sphere of wanting to own a bike like this for the first time.”
Estarli expands e-bike range for 2024

Estarli expands e-bike range for 2024

“In 2024 we are focusing our attention on families, commuters and safety”, says Co-Founder Oliver Francis.
eCargo Longtail

eCargo Longtail

Estarli joins the eCargo club. The British brand believes it has a longtail to take on the Tern. Estarli has moved into the Cargo space with a family-focused longtail. Co-Founder Alex Francis said, “this one...